Senior REP Program
It's hard to believe another school year is rapidly coming to a close and it's time to begin planning for the Class of 2009. Actually I'm even a bit behind on things due to my absence! I am now accepting applications for our Senior Representatives for the Class of 2009.
I am looking for members of the class of 2009 who have that winning personality. If your involved in sports, clubs or any other extra curricula rs more then likely you know exactly what I mean about a winning personality. I am looking for the go-getters... the class members who stands out from the crowd. If it sounds like I'm describing you perfectly then your just the student I'm looking for.
By signing on to be a Senior REP for our studio you will be eligible to earn all sorts of great rewards. The more referrals you generate the greater your reward. Any students in the greater Madison/Dane County area are eligible. So if your up for the challenge email or call the studio and we will send you a short application form. Don't wait to long to take advantage of this offer though... I'll only be accepting one student from each school.

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