As the sun poured in the beautiful stained glass windows of St. Mary's church Josh held tight to Katie's hands and vowed to love, honor and protect her until the end of time. From his unwavering gaze on Katie's glowing face, to the twinkle of laughter that danced in his eyes there was no doubt in my mind that Josh meant every word. Those vows were etched into the very fibers of his being. What was a beautiful ceremony to all on lookers was really just a formal declaration of the love and commitment Josh & Katie had made to each other long ago.
Shortly after Katie and Josh first started dating Katie's mother became very ill. It's been said that in difficult times we learn who our true friends are... and so it was when Josh stood up to support, protect, love and care for Katie through her mother's difficult illness and eventual passing. Beautiful sun beams warmed the inside of St. Mary's church that Saturday afternoon... warm rays of love, support and pride for a daughter who had found her happy ending.
Katie and Josh I am so, so very excited for the two of you! If ever two people were meant to be together forever it's the two of you. Seeing the love you both hold so deeply for the other is truly inspiring. Congratulations again.. and thanks for allowing me to be a small part of your big day.

Katie.. really and truly I don't hate you because your so beautiful!
Bring on the men..... :)
Such an infectious smile!

I love photographing weddings at Father Pat Heppe's church in Fond du Lac because there is always a point in the service where everyone holds hands and says a prayer for the newly married couple.. it's really beautiful.
I adore this capture Karen took... favorite!
Love the vibrant colors we had to work with!
Lakeside Park has so many fun areas to photograph in...
Katie... seriously? You should be on a magazine cover.