Anne & Jeremiah - married!

What was the most memorable part of your day?
Anne: Seeing Jeremiah for the first time at the alter.
Jeremiah: The vows.
What is your funniest memory from your wedding day?
The grand march - Stevie style, complete with red beanies (Steve Zissou).
Any advice you'd share for future couples getting married?
Enjoy the day, it goes by so fast. Spend time with each other rather than worrying about everyone else. It will make the moment last that much longer.
Would you change anything about your day if you could?
Wouldn't change one thing.
What songs did you use for your:
First Dance - Finally Forever, Christ Cornell
Father/Daughter Dance - The Way You Look Tonight, Frank Sinatra
Mother/Son Dance - Wonderful World, Louis Armstrong
Grand March - Queen Bitch, Davie Bowie (Throwback to the movie Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou!)
Where did you go (or are you going) for your Honeymoon?
Quebec City, Canada
How did you two meet?
College sweethearts - first day freshman year during Ogg Hall dorm move-in.
How long have you been dating?
A LONG TIME! Officially since December 2004.
5 words to describe your bride:
Beautiful, radiant, happy, loving, effervescent.
5 words to describe your groom:
Handsome, humorous, my best friend, thoughtful, generous.
Who were your vendors?
Florist - Daffodil Parker
Cake Baker - Craig's Cakes
DJ or Band - Jukebox Bandstand
Reception Site - Tripp Commons, Memorial Union
Ceremony Site - Luther Memorial Church
Any great vendor experiences to share?
They were all great but I have to highlight Craig's for making that amazing fish groom's cake and Daffodil Parker for their amazing work and ability to customize and allow us to return our vases one week after the wedding.