Friday, April 25, 2008

Amanda & Brian

They say that rain on your wedding day will bring years of good luck.... well then Amanda & Brian are two people you will definitely want with you on your next trip to Vegas. The clouds were thick and there was a constant mist in the air. Yet when the ceremony started the clouds separated and the sun peeked through as if to send it's own best wishes to the bride & groom.

A few rain showers certainly weren't going to ruin Amanda & Brian's spirits or the spirits of their families. This wedding was definitely all about family. This amazing couple is blessed with one of the most tightly knit, supportive families I have ever witnessed. Not only were Amanda & Brian beaming with excitement on their wedding day... each and every one of their family members was bursting with the same positive energy. Amanda's brother performed the wedding ceremony. It was as you can imagine a very personal and touching service. Not to be out done, Brian's entire family young and old worked together to toast Amanda and welcome her to the family.... definitely one of the cutest toasts I've ever seen. Like I said.. this wedding was all about family. Congratulations Amanda & Brian. Thank you for allowing me to spend a day as a member of your incredible families!

This photo makes me giggle! I just love it!! This is Brian's mom... just two seconds before Brian was walking her in for the processional. As soon as they reached the front of the church she was on her news grabbing photos of the wedding! Definitely a woman who shares my addiction to photos:)

The bride & groom presented their parents with flowers during the ceremony. I can only imagine how difficult this moment was for Amanda as her father is no longer with them... but the bond she shares with her mother is so beautiful.

Looking at Brian though Amanda was all smiles :)

1 comment:

Karmen Lindner said...

Jennifer, the emotion between the bride and her mom....I'm choked. What a beautiful shot, worth a thousand words.