Cadillac Joe Benefit
For some time now I've been promising to update all of my faithful blog readers on my father-in-laws road to recovery. As most of you already know my father-in-law Joe was diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma nearly two years ago now. After a year of chemotherapy and repeated stays in the hospital we were given the good news of remission (or at least a form of it). Unfortunately Mantle Cell Lymphoma is an incurable but treatable form of cancer. After celebrating the good news in June we got our hearts broken a year ago today, when we learned the cancer had returned. A crushing blow going into Christmas Day.
2008 has been a long and difficult year for Joe. The chemo he received in 2007 was already the most advanced experimental treatment available so going through the same treatment was not an option. Instead they opted for a stem cell transplant, which he received in the Spring of 2008. There were many low days during those months following the transplant. Days when all you wanted to do was cry because the future was too scary to think about anymore. But as a family, we made it through. Optimism and hope were the only powers we had on our side.. so we clung to them with all the inner strength we could muster.
While Joe was in the hospital for his stem cell transplant he received a visit from his boss. After more then fifteen years with the company he was let go with a handshake and a smile. Joe was now faced with the added stress of how to support his family financially on top of his already difficult medical situation. Once a week, every week, Joe gets out his 50+ bottles of prescriptions and he divides out his weekly allowance of 128 pills to keep his immune system working, infections at bay, and provide him another day of life. We all know that the cost of health care is rising every day and that the burden is consistently being place on the patient.
My father-in-law Joe is an incredible man.... I am so very fortunate to have him in my life as he is one of the most caring, compassionate individuals I've ever known. He is also incredibly talented. Cadillac Joe has touched the hearts of many with the music he has played over the years right here in Madison. If you’ve ever attended the Taste of Madison or Art Fair on the Square then chances are you enjoyed the music of this Madison icon. Joe has played for over 30 years in the Madison music scene.
To try and help alleviate some of the mounting medical bills Joe has accumulated due to his inability to work we have organized a Benefit. The Cadillac Joe Benefit is this Friday at 8PM at the High Noon Saloon. We'll be rocking, bluesin' and having a good time to benefit a good man and an incredibly talented musician. We understand it's very close to the holiday's so many of you will be out of town and won't be able to join in the party. If you WON'T be able to attend we are asking TWO favors of you! The first being, please send a link to this blog on to any friends that are looking for a good time this Friday night. If you love great music, your guaranteed to have a good time and you'll be helping someone special out at the same time. ALL PROCEEDS will go directly to Cadillac Joe and his wife. The second being, if you can't come to the show please visit the website:
Here you'll find more information on the benefit and on Joe's story. You can also make a donation online. If you can't make it consider donating the cover charge or better yet even more! It's simple, just visit the website and on any page, you'll find a "DONATE" button, click it and follow the directions. YOU DON'T NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT TO DONATE, just a major credit card!!! It takes less then 5 minutes.

In addition to the great music we have an extensive silent auction going on throughout the show. Items include:
- Two Club House Brewers Tickets w/ Autographed Tony Gywnn Photo
- Beer for a year from the Capital Brewery
- Autographed Packers football
- 1 Hour Massage Gift Certificate
- Noah's Ark Family Pack Tickets
- 1 Month Family Membership to Prairie Athletic Club
- JT Whitney's Beer tasting and Brewery Tour for 10 people
- Autographed Johnny Winter CD
- If your a client of Angelic Angles Photography there will also be gift certificates up for auction.
We hope to see as many of you as we can this Friday. If you can't make it thanks for reading all of this regardless. Your prayers through the past year have meant more then I can ever put into words.
Thanks and Happy Holidays,
- Jennifer
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