Cara & Nicholas
When love hits you sometimes you just know.... her curves, her amazing clarity, the way everyone turned to her in a room. Nick just knew the first time he saw her that this was it. There was definitely something about her, those 36 inches were a perfect fit for Nick's life! It didn't matter that she was a Sony and not a Toshiba... Nick was smitten.
Nick and Cara's first meeting was unlike any other... in fact, Nick actually met Cara's television before he ever laid eyes on his future bride. I'm telling you those HDTV's are really something special;) Nick was good friends with Cara's sister Cassie. So when Cara moved back to Wisconsin to attend the University Nick was one of the first volunteer mover's Cassie called. Attending the University together Cara & Cassie's circle of friends quickly found themselves overlapping. It wasn't long before a friendship turned to romance... and the rest, as they say is history.
Cara & Nick thank you so much for allowing Karen & I to be a part of your day. Much love - Jennifer

Love this! The wedding party didn't have real glasses to tink, so they improvised...


Guess who made an appearance at the reception??

Nick and Cara's first meeting was unlike any other... in fact, Nick actually met Cara's television before he ever laid eyes on his future bride. I'm telling you those HDTV's are really something special;) Nick was good friends with Cara's sister Cassie. So when Cara moved back to Wisconsin to attend the University Nick was one of the first volunteer mover's Cassie called. Attending the University together Cara & Cassie's circle of friends quickly found themselves overlapping. It wasn't long before a friendship turned to romance... and the rest, as they say is history.
Cara & Nick thank you so much for allowing Karen & I to be a part of your day. Much love - Jennifer

Cara & Nick had a little fun with their transportation choice....

Love this! The wedding party didn't have real glasses to tink, so they improvised...


Guess who made an appearance at the reception??

Piano reflection....fabulous shot!!!!
Thank you so much, Jennifer and Karen! These pictures look fantastic. We can't wait to see the rest!
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